Consulting & Implementation

Digital Transformation Delivered.

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What is Digital Disruption?

Digital disruption describes the transformative impact that emerging technologies such as AI, Big Data, IoT, and others are having on traditional analog 1.0 business models.

Digital disruption is a competitive threat that’s is reshaping industry landscapes, and it’s a force that some organizations have/are ignoring at their peril, however. some organizations are  embracing this challenge, leveraging new technologies to drive market shifts through digital transformation.

What is Digital Transformation?

This term is used frequently but lacks a common definition or approach.  We define digital transformation as leveraging new technologies to simultaneously run and improve your 1.0 business model while you orchestrate the transformation to your 2.0 business model. New enabling technologies drive the vision and development of  new business model innovations to fundamentally reengineer how you operate and deliver breakthroughs in performance, value and experiences for customers, trading partners, and employees.

Leadership teams benefit greatly from starting with a common understanding of Digital Transformation and what it takes to sponsor and lead transformation.  Transforming your business model from a conventional analog model rooted in functional hierarchy to a digital model rooted in process is a centerpiece of modern strategy but most strategy and planning processes lack these vital elements. 

Business leaders and technologist need a new approach

Whether your organization is using traditional waterfall, Agile Scrum, or some hybrid methodology, today’s SDLCs are insufficient to drive Digital Transformation because they assume the users have already conducted the transformational discovery and design necessary to initiate that change.

 Unfortunately, this is never the case.

Business sponsors do not know what new technologies ,(platform-as-a-service, AI- to name two), are capable of until they see the impact the new technologies can have on services and process design. Equally, technologists don’t understand all the intricacies of the business need, and therefore, typically take a passive, “order taking” posture, resulting in projects that automate existing processes rather than reengineering and transforming them. 

Is your organization at risk of digital disruption?

Take our 4-minute, 12 question disruption assessment