Consulting & Implementation

Digital Transformation In The Public Sector

The challenge of public sector transformation

Digital transformation in the public sector faces the normal resistance to change and institutional inertia that all projects experience, plus the additional complexity of understanding how new technologies can transform old, inefficient workflows to radically improve employee and constituent satisfaction.

Accelare's free, twelve-question assessments helps agencies pinpoint how and where they need to change in order to move along their digital transformation journey.

Upon completion of the assessment, we will send you a free comprehensive report covering:

  • The four domains of disruption within your organization
  • An explaination of Accelare’s Digital Transformation Maturity Model
  • Your agency’s digital transformation maturity against that model
  • Specific actions you can undertake to harness technology to your favor.
Giving Lecture

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into your organization's digital readiness.

Is your organization at risk of digital disruption?

Take our 4-minute, 12 question disruption assessment